How To Drink Water Correctly?
Drinking water first thing in the morning can help you start your day with a refreshment.
The perfect way to drink water is to sit down with a glass of water and drink it sip by sip. One should consume at least 2 to 3 liters of water in a day. And also you should know that what is the best time to drink water.
I would like to share some 7 timing that is more important to drinking water and their reasons why you should follow this.
Check out this article on how drinking water helps our body to stay healthy & what is the best time to drink.
7 Best Time To Drink Water & Why?
#1. Drink water when you have a headache
Well coming to think of it dehydration headaches can have different feelings and vary from person to person, but most typically everyone has the same kind of symptoms which are similar to other headaches.
Recent research said, many people feel like a hangover headache, which is often described as a pulsating ache on both sides of the head that’s aggravated by physical activity.
A little survey published by some reports in the medical journal about headaches found that they found 1 in 10 people who were interviewed had experienced dehydration headaches.
These respondents described the headache as a pain, which got worse when they turned their head, bent down, or walked around. After drinking water, many of the people said that they had relief within thirty minutes to three hours after drinking water. These are some symptoms before headaches like severe pain on one side of the head, nausea, a visual aura, thirst, dry or sticky mouth, not urinating much, darker yellow urine, cool, dry skin, muscle cramps.
#2. Drink when you feel tired
As per research, many studies have shown a result that dehydration lowers athletic performance that makes you feel tired and off your game. It may also make you tired and also make you sleep, even if you get enough sleep and can’t open your eyes properly then you must intake water that makes your day good.
Dehydrating will slow down or hurt your physical performance which maybe even shorter than thirty seconds. Even if you worked out for more than 5 minutes and walking and roaming around the city will make you feel much easier if you’re hydrated and drunk water.
#3. Drink water when you feel thirsty
It’s sure everybody will judge their body condition whether they need water or not. As per the research, everybody needs constant water for their body’s metabolic work so that your body is hydrated and ready to function efficiently. Water is a kind of elixir and around 60 percentage of our body system is filled with water ( H20 ) which is needed to carry out many functions in our body for the metabolic process.
The doctor used to say that drinking water is the most important thing in our body. Drinking water around 3 to 4 liters a day makes your body function normally. Drinking too much water can lead our body intoxication.
#4. Drink water before the bed
Well comes to think of it drinking water keeps your body hydrated, But what will happen if you drink water before going to bed?
As per the research, the people who used to drink water before going to bed keep their body hydrated throughout the night and make them feel good while sleeping.
Another thing of being drinking water before going to bed is it will reduce the risk factor and unwanted toxins and it will also reduce the heart attack and strokes. Drinking water before going to bed helps level out your blood throughout your body to prevent heart attacks throughout the night and the early hours of the morning.
#5. Drink water before and after a workout
It helps to lose weight and protect against dehydration during a workout. Drinking water before and after means the body well hydrated. While you work out the water will be evaporated through sweating and regulates body temperature and lubricates your joints so on.
The water we drink is absorbed by the intestines, and circulated throughout the body in the form of body fluids such as blood. These perform various functions that keep us alive. They deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and take away waste materials, which are then eliminated with urination. So just keep in mind drinking water before and after a workout will help you to perform at its highest level.
So tips for you before and after a workout,
- Consume 17 to 18 ounces of water two to three hours before you start exercising.
- Consume 8 ounces of water twenty to thirty minutes before you start exercising or during your warm-up.
- Consume 7 to 10 ounces of water every ten to twenty minutes during exercise.
- Consume 8 ounces of water no more than thirty minutes after you exercise.
#6. Drink water before after a meal
What I said is drinking water is good for health but when it comes to eating drinking water it must be avoided while eating food or after finishing eating because water will dilute the digestive juices.
As per the research and known knowledge water must drink before 30 minutes because it will help the meal to digest. Drinking water an hour after a meal to allow the body to absorb nutrients.
#7. Drink water after waking up
Last but not least the best thing is to drink water after waking up from bed. The reason is that drinking water in the morning immediately helps rehydrate the body.
The best benefit of drinking water in the morning doesn’t mean rehydrating also while drinking water in the morning empty stomach it will stimulate blood circulation and make the skin more supple. It removes toxins from the body and cleanses the urinary tract and activates the internal organs.
To do so, set an alarming wakeup in the morning, and drink around 2 to 3 liter a day which makes your day beautiful and helps your body hydrated. A warning is about don’t drinking too much water. It may lead to intoxication which may be bad for our health. If you have anything apart from this, share with us which will be the best help for our reader. Comment your thoughts.