What is the Best Way to Stay Good-Looking
How To Look Young & Attractive for MEN?
The following points apply for both men & guys. You know looking good in-crowd is a blessing.
You may be a gentleman naturally, however folks won’t have an interest in you if you do not seem like one.
How to look more attractive? How to be good looking? How to look attractive & handsome? These are the common questions that pop-up in every man & guys mind.
Let’s begin.
First things first, Looks are not only about your face.
30 Tips to LOOK more ATTRACTIVE for Men:
- Build a positive mindset.
- Maintain a good hygiene: brush the teeth, scrub your face, shave, smell good, and moisturize.
- Maintain good hair care routine. Wash your hair. That helps you in hair growth & beard care as well.
- Get clear skin: there are tons ways to care your skin in a healthy way.
- Working out: Doing gym not only improves your physique, its helps to improve your lifestyle, healthy and positive mind. Exercise makes you feel fresh, active and energetic throughout the day.
- Maintain a good healthy diet plan. Avoid oily foods, fried foods, and sugary items. Mostly eat home-made foods.
- Smoking and drinking are not really cool.
- Drink lots of water, to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
- Smoking and drinking are not really cool.
- Avoid chemicals. Using chemicals on the skin cause lots of side effects. Go with natural products on skin & face.
- Choose the better hairstyle according to the shape of your face.
- If you’re a bearded guy, keep it clean and trimmed. That trending now between men and guys.
- Use good quality cotton socks and clean shoes.
- Walk and talk with confidence. And Maintain proper posture. Walk straight and don’t stoop while standing, sitting or walking.
- Take a shower every day. Don’t make your deodorant your next best friend.
- Be confident and smile often. A confident person is always good-looking.
- Fall in Love. You appear more vibrant, attractive and good-looking when you’re in love.
- Trim the hair in the nose and ears if any.
- Change your socks every day. Yes, you got it right. Wear clean socks every morning.
- Clean your shoes. A beautiful well-fitted suit looks disgusting with dirty shoes. Think about it?
- If you have a big belly or fat body- don’t wear tight-fitting shirts.
- Do not eat garlic before work. It smells like hell? You know what am talking about!
- If you are going bald, accept it. Don’t hide the bald patch behind the three hairs. Get a short haircut or simply shave your head. You know bald men are more confident & attractive, Recent study says!
- If you are physically weak, do not strive. There are many strong men in the movie “The Expendables”. If you want to become strong – go for training. Do exercise. If you have no desire in becoming physically strong – prove with your work that you are a strong man.
- Don’t cry and don’t whine, never complain. It’s not, what a James Bond would do.
- Don’t try to prove anything to someone. This is not the meaning of a man’s life.
- Have a better goal in life. Everyday get-up with a plan. Keep trying. You may fall down. Get up. Keep trying.
- There’s nothing more good-looking than a man who is continuously trying to get what he wants and is never ready to give up!
- Have patience. Don’t expect the outcome in 5 days.
- Good- Luck.
Read the point, if am missing out something, comment below your thoughts, am happy to add in my points.
Hope it helps!